*catches her* Damn it Mia, again!? *sigh* *lays her on the bed and puts the blankets over her* ... Hey Bates.
so whatcha gonna do to her? *slowly gets out da black permanent marker
*grabs a piece of paper and starts writing something down* Getting her magic back.
... Yeah. Some asshole bounced a spell back at her and it locked it tight. She can tp, but that's it.
*he grins abit and his eyes turn black abit getting abit crazy with all the ideas* interesting...
I'm going in and breaking the locks. *finishes writing and stabs it into the door* Bates... Try ANYTHING, and you won't like what will happen next. I already killed a pervert demon today, and turned their body into dust. So I'm not in the best of moods. So you try anything, I'm locking you up in an anti magic chamber, in a straight jacket, got that?
there just thoghts...*he giggles and grins more* that sound so good
*glares at him with glowing red eyes* Do and you will be ducking locked up like that for a year!
Oh ho ho, yes I WILL. I DON'T CARE IF SHE GIVES ME SHIT. And I can easily have Tim join you. Plus, temmies are easy to please. I have a stockpile of tem flakes. So have fun.
*grins, looking demonic with the glowing red eyes* So, so you still want to test me?
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23