*looks around* wait that.....im not in shadow kingdom
Heh... Not surprised. Welcome to Hallownest. Feel free to make yourself at home.
*jumps down the tree* I'm Echo nice to meet you. And thank you but I cant stay long..
*Echo smiled and yawned stretching her wings* mhm...so Hallownest you said I've never heard of that name before
Not surprised. We have been off the map for centuries.
oh its your kingdom? *echo looks rather surprised*
A human for a king....sorry I don't want to offend you just...im surprised! What if you get killed your majesty *shes smirking is she hiding something?
*turns pitch black with blazing white eyes, then back to normal*
*turns into her human form and keeps reading*
... It's fine. So anyways, what brought you around these parts?
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23