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this way *they enters 1 by 1 and it is the necklace to hold the 2 rubys*

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Mia:you see our wolfs magic lock works differently you cant use magic and you cant move but we can still hurt you with both
(A.The wolfs probably wouldnt have that ability and B.A magic lock spell is an exception to the magic lock spell because how would you un do it)
*Suddenly a new weapon flys to her hands*
Oh my god,
no NO *crys in happyness*
(You would release it. Stuff like that, either has a timer on it, or the faster still has the ability to end the spell whenever, even if they are in an anti magic field or something similar.)
Mia:you cant move remember!
you dont know what im holding!
*the Adascepter glows in her hands and she breaks the spell*
And we should care why?
(its nickname is also known as the Reality Scepter)
Mia:let me guess thats the magic sword avery was telling us about? ...*gets her scytheì
???? what the hell???/corruption ambush:here hand me the ruby's/*hands her the rubys and corruption ambush put them in the necklace holder and corruption ambush grab the necklace as it glows*
*She taps it and the Wolfs turn into tiny puppies*
*it didnt work*
Heh. Finally, a challenge. *grins and his eyes and clothes start turning red and gold* Heh heh heh...

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23