(There is a reason why everyone with a DT soul can't reset.)
(Well then what is the point? That can't change the outcome of what already happened.)
(rn i'm to tired to fight it.)
(.... wait i thought som- i am so confused.. rn)
Dont give a shit rules are rules now like jack said to out come would still be the same)
(i should get ready just get ready just in case if this became a issue.)
(RebornGolden and im the closest you can be to one of the old rpers without actually being one)
*teleports them out of the chamber thing with an Infaversal Point*
Fine we will just say we stoped fihhting and said we would leabe one anothef alone)
*i doubt you guys have tech even close to that >->*
(rn i don't really care anymore i'm to tired) ...
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23