i need to find the owner of the black and white ruby i need someone to keep an eye out on flower just in case if the owner comes to the house/nightly:want me to come???/no she might be with someone/nightly:alright/brb *walks out with the ruby's* and i taking the ruby's with me i need her to tell me about the ruby's and why she trusted flower with em
"Since you said I am not holy, I assume that means that only holy damage could remove these things from existence..." *smirk* "Well then, I guess all I can do...IS TAKE A CHANCE!!!" *His pupils change shape completely* *The dots start to cycle through different colors*
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 3.
Note: 1=Fire 2=Water 3=Lightning 4=Holy 5=Wind 6=Dark
hiding but I'm right here like your right there you bitch...IM RIGHT FUCKING HERE *the wolf's attack nova hard and fast
*try to use magic and ruby sword appears* huh!?
umm okay cute/*the ghost of corruption ambushed 60 flower came next to flower*
"Not what I need, but I'll take it." *The dots shoot out lightning in pillars, melting through the wolves, allowing Nova to charge up a few more while he dodges any that slip through*
*stands up and puts up his hood, partially hiding his face* ... I'll just do this myself... Hey, Nexus... *looking at the ground, and Nexus notices water falling from inside Jack's hood, as he looks down at the ground* How ya doin..?
what the heck it turned into my magic?
YOU! *to corruption ambushed 60 flower*/corruption ambushed 60 flower:*uses the magic to try to make the black ruby appears*
*Dots literally fill the air around them* "Shall we give that another shot?"
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 3.
Note: Same as before.
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23