*unsommon ruby sword and summon shadow trident* ok my other magic still works
"Let's see if Lady Luck is on my side today."
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 2.
Note: Same rolls as before
*the wolves keep putting them self back together and keep going with the attack
uhhhh how are you doing *is trying to change the topic*
*grabs the black ruby she spawned * it turns your weapons to ruby which it not suppose meant for you /exe:*pins corruption ambushed 60 flower*/exe:WHAT THE HELL YOU TRYING TO DO KILL SOMEONE WHY DID YOU TRUST HER WITH THE RUBY'S!!!
*The all turn a bright blue* "This isn't going to work." *Fires them at the wolves, launching them to the side* "Guess it's back to the basics!" *Pupils return to normal, he rushes at Bates*
《this is test because I havn't use this befor and I need to try》
*ok so where jack is its been 5 minutes but when mia come back for her it been 5 days and she come through the gate and jack can sense shes back*
*the wolf's rush at nova still putting them self back together
... This has got to be a trick... There's no way she's back...
rolled 4d6 and got a natural 14. After the modifier of +4, got
Note: test
(exe talking to the ambushed aka the owner of the rubys) exe:SPEAK TO ME!/calm down it supposed to help her in combat/exe:BS IT CAUSED HER TO ALMOST BLEED OUT *to the ambushed*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23