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mia:heh its ok now let me guess you dont know how to use your wings?
mia:baby your holding your wing and touching it like your looking at a robot...
mia:here give me your hand
mia:*flys up into the sky by the clouds*
mia:*lets go of him and falls with him*if you want to know how to fly you have to do it like this its now my mother showed mw
mia:*they are half way to the ground*
mia:*glides by him*nope! now try to fly down a lil
mia:*her wings close a bit and she flys down then flaps her wings and flys up by jack again*just do that i did
mia:your doing great jack
mind if i join in
mia:*hugs him and flys*hehe
mia:hehe how lets see if you can keep up with me*lets go of him and flys faster*
mia:heh*flys faster and gos thro the clouds so he cant see her*
mia:heh try and find me*is in the clouds so jack cant see her*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23