welp I forgot I have a chais too
Liam:*takes them out and he heals himself*didnt you hear me? Im already dead! I cant die again!
a good friend for trying to help
*the air around Jack begins to vibrate* You... You DARE TRY TO KILL US!? TO TRY AND KILL MY BROTHERS!? WE CAN'T DIE, YOU IDIDOT!! *tps behind him and stabs him with the blade faster than he can react* Heh. Maybe I should have told you this blades name. Say hello, TO DEATH BRINGER! *slashes at him after pulling the blade out*
Heh. The more hits you take, the more your soul begins to disappear, consumed by the blade. *grins* And you are right. There are places worse than hell.
*He blocked jacks strike then countered his face*
!!! !LIAM!!!! OH HELL NO *spawns shit loads of ruby swords eyes glows black a fusion of corruption ambush ready to start*
(The spell that Takeo said was , Return to where you came from)
*telepathically* *Mia, are you there? I need you to do something for me...* You are on my turf, idiot. *a mass of black tendrils grab him, imobilizing him and not allowing him to use magic*
*fly to flower and landing beside flower* I will help
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23