*A blue figure appears and rams another sphere into Takeo's gut, stunning him.* (Or he can dodge, but that could be risky.)
*Blocks then continues to charge* (PP:85)
*Del shatters his shield with a powerful slash from his sword, then instantly kicks his jaw before he can react, sending him flying backwards, then chases him, slamming into him and shooting him towards Jack*
(flower entered the ally way cause she was leaving to much blood that made a trail)
(a fight happened and flower has to retreat due to be in the corruption ambushed 60 form to long)
*All of the figures charge up balls of energy, getting further and further in power as it moves along the figures like this: Green, Blue, Red, Black, then Del*
*slams him high up into the air then spikes him down three times before he hits the ground*
(no it can lead to a sever death and it's with takeo)
WE HAVE BEEN FIGHTING THE SAME*car crashing noise*PERSON FOR *dog nois*HOURS!!!!!
(with out the white ruby flower i-actually yea what the hell....)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23