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mia:plz tell us where your going next time i was worried
*waits for flower for a minute before area locking her*(now she cant tp or leave the area)
mia:!!!look out*her wins cme out as arows shot at jackand shields jack and alex with her wings*d-damn it...
mia:*puts alex down*stay here with your father*gets her scythe and flys off to th forest againg and they can hear scraeming but its not mia*
have you seen flower around here
and also im the guy whos had all those attacks on the castle
ah its not important and 2:F U C K I N G T R Y M E
mia:*flys back and is coverd in blood and so is her scythe and she smiles*ok they are gone now =)
mia:hehe*her tail wags and keeps smileing*=) oh i just got rid of some bad people
mia:*snaps out of it and her eyes turns white and blue*shit it happend again fuck!
((Howdy y'all
mia:i-im sorry*crys and hugs back*im so sorry
brb in like 20-60 minutes
mia:*crys more and hugs him tighter*
mia:*calms down a bit*
mia:*changes back into her human form and falls asleep crying*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23