Yeah, everything is good. Zel was having a nightmare, and had an accident similar to what I used to. He burst into flames while he was sleeping on Violet. Luckily, she is fire resistant, I hope, since I am too.
*stands hidden by them* Nothing is good...
Zel. It wasn't your fault. Those things tend to happen. Hell, I nearly KILLED someone with that happening to me once. A little burn is nothing.
I'm lucky I don't have that issue anymore... Hmm? Oh, yeah. Alexis told me earlier. Who won?
*keeps training* "I need to get this..." *He gets a red aura around him and fire starts to circle him*
*Takes a Phone* More people who dont know whats going on...
Damn. Well, better then out last session... I messed up big time...
OK. And this del could be a... Good Fighter
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23