And Alex, relax. You use fire too.(gn Del)
zel never wants to hurt anyone with it expect my enemies!
No dusting no sun god form and no moves that will instantly make your hp go down to one
you know what you can tell i can say I so I'll stop saying my own name i just though it was cute to say my name a lot because violets a baby still..
Alright. Heh heh heheheh... He's still in for one hell of a time...
anyways...*looks at violet and hugs them* stop crying please..
If he got Del to fifty hp your in for one hell of a time too *walks off*
come on violet why are you crying your gonna make zwel cry..
* a black magic temmie appers and grabs zel* oh master wants me...
*she points to the mask on the table*
*zel comes back his tail missing and he looks like hes in pain* ow...
Alright... Huh? Oh... You want the mask huh? *floats it over to them and gives it to her* Here ya go... Zel? Are you ok, what happened? *turns so Violet doesn't see*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23