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oops sorry did i hurt anyone *picks up the battle axe* yes?

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whut thats Violet.......... *is confused as fuck*
You know what screw this
*tps under ground*
... No way... H- how?
*looks at future violet and blushes alot* DAMNNNNNN
I m-mean!
This battle axe here is known as The Prax Imperium it has the power to allow a person to go back in time or forward
i borrowed it
*teleports to future violet* so cute...
*summons cloak then summons a phantom sword*
... Borrowed it form who?
May i ask...
wtf is that thing *points to Zel*
violet are we still friends in the future..
i cant say they warned me not to reveal details of the fture
I'm done.... *his eyes turn red and he grows to the age of 16*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23