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you want them to spend time with you don't you..

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you want a friend to cheer you up like what zel does..
and if you want there attention you try to get it but you ave those bad thoughts making you think you will fail but will you really?
Yes because first of all SHES A FUCKING DAGUTER OF GODS and I dont even know my parents and she gets to live a fun child hood I spent mine living on the street until suicide but I landed on flowers then i met Jack and blah blah
*hugs Alex
why dont we make it change then...
*slashes at rabia*
stop yelling...your being protective...
Agh..... your so fucking cheesey God I fucking hate pacifists
alex im half does nothing to me....
I was not allways a pasifist...
want to know something...I was like you beffore i found my family..
Wow your so pathetic
I was alone with these thought to kill my self and hour others..
MAKE THEM ALL DISAPPER MAKE THEM PAY's what i did....I made a family from friends...
Bruh that's was 8 years ago me.
you might think your alone but are you really?..

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23