*The Phoenix turns human* "No im not taunting you... unless you never seen a phoenix before"
*there wings glitch black and summons a bunch of black stars* well how funny is his you stupid bird! *they make the stars attack the phoenix*
alright lets do that when they do the plan ether that lets hope they not one of the shadow monsters who grab them and tp them away
so why were you flying around *looking at aden*
*there wings glitch back to white and frown
I'm not allways the merciful person you should even know this flower...
come on guys lets go to our home areas and find out what might happened
*frowns and they feel there soul peice draining abit*
*crys and smiles* I can't stay here much longer..
can you promise me 2 things flower..
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23