*his eyes drip black abit and temmies make everyone leave his lab
COME ON!!/mia:*turns into shadow and so as flower and fades to jack*
*Chuckles, then walks off. Something seems...odd...about him*
*is in the Abyss, just randomly attacking some weird black things*
hmmm...I got a idea *gets out something and starts adding it to his soul and he grins* this will be nice when he wants to use it he can...
*Is in his Vanish world, fighting clones*
mia:flower.. why did you always save us... trying not to be mean and rude but something off about you and you always saving us.../.. i'l tell you tomorrow... if you want bring jack../mia:alright.
*violently tears one to pieces, then stabs one, twists the blade, slashes it out one side, then back through the sound and through the other side, cutting them clean in half and the top of the body falls to the ground and turns to liquid at his feet*
*they appeared in the abyss* hold on *heals mia* after that stunt i don't want you hurt/mia:do that later it won't work anyways/alright *noticed jack*
*slices one's head off, flips it into the air, and spears in on his sword, turning it to liquid as well*
*Appears by Del* "They didn't notice a thing, did they?"
!! WHAT THE!?!?/mia:??/uhh behind you mia.../*mia looks and noticed jack killing*/mia:!!!?? JACK!?
*mind:but something wrong with del tho... hmm*
mia stay close with the weapon like that idk if it's safe *mia went next to flower as the walks slowly*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23