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"They really thought I was him. I tried to kill off Jack as you requested, but they were all on guard. Mia and Flower wouldn't stop shielding him, and Bates made it so I couldn't kill him."
*mind:... wait a minute that was not del ether that.... del can't try to kill jack multiple times.. shit...!!!*
"I don't know how he even keeps that frozen bird out. It drains so much energy." *Kills a clone with the blast from before, erasing it from existence*
*The real Del is sleeping at Grillby's*
mia:jack?? *trying to get to jack*
( is playing) *He has an angry expression on his face, a LOT more furious than they have ever seen him, and start hearing him practically screaming every now and again* I LOST IT!!! AGAIN!!! *Slashes one repeatedly with intensity, cleaning through it several times*
*mind:and the mark is not the same...*JACK!! IT"S US FLOWER AND MIA!! *trying to snap jack out*
*grabs one by the head, and sets it on fire* HOW LONG BEFORE I KILL MY OWN FAMILY!?
*teleports to flower and bitch slaps them with stubby little leg
"...we shall try again later. For now, let his friends worry of the destruction we shall bring."
*appears next to jack grabbing his shoulder* jack.. its us *grab it* -__- should you be with bates be glad he's safe *tp zel back to bates*
*Wakes up suddenly* "How long was I out for?"
*as flower let go*
*In Del's mind: 2 hours, 24 minutes, and 31 seconds, but who is counting?*
*teleports on to flowers face and breaths bubbles in to her eyes*ZEL DOES WHAT HE WANTS
*turns, looking at Flower with a furious expression, covered in black liquid, almost unrecognizable, and softens a little when he sees its her and Mia, but not by much* What... Do you want?
"What are you up to now, Axis?" *Walks out of Grillby's*
mia:jack sweetie?? *grabs jack shoulder*/JESUS CHRIST!! JACK/mia:JACK Y-YOUR FACE *looks worried*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23