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mental:i wish I could you h them but i cant all i can do is change what you do in those lovely actions

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mental:well not everything...cause it hurts to do like move kind of changes like magic and shet..
mental; I talking too much...fuck! i just made my appearance and this is what they will remeber..
mental:*sighs* lets get serious tho...*a white ball of magic and a red ball of magi apper and both of them haveoppisite colour faces
mental:red...white lets school these fools..
mental:wait i can do better..
mental:magic maroons!
mental: was that better?...
mental:wait...that barriors still up..
mental:hmmmmmm *he goes over to the barriors wall*
mental:*pokes it* hehe its made from the magic bates uses..
mental:sadly I can't get rid of this
mental:...maybe..oh ik *-*
mental:WEAPON TIME! *summons a large war hammer with a white hitter and a red handle* hehehe
mentalTHREE! *he hits the barrior hard to break it
mental:there barriors was soannoying..
Ok gn jack)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23