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I can't go on..
would just casually appears next to flower cause why tf not
night rv
(How do i edit relations???)
lets go guys. i think we are done here... for now....../team exe and exe elizabeth:alright *they walks away from the void*
((Adiral, all you have to do is go to a character's page, drop down the menu in the toolbar and press +connect, there's a menu for the relations and stuff, you'll figure that out on your own
((And gn rv
would follow team exe holding a ied
((To rp or not to rp? That is the question
alright now ik how do destroy those items now lets wait for them to strike./flower:good its gonna be hard as *woof* but at least others gonna be safe (XDDD DAMN AD)
((My exact reaction adiral
(anyone wanna play krunker? lol
(what that?)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23