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[*] starts laughing[*] zwel!
(I believe it is surprised, or happy)
what's so funny -~-
Alright, so, try what I had you earlier, but focus a bit more. Try to keep it contained. When you feel you have it, let me know.
(All I can remember is blue, pink, and purple... :/)
Orange is surprised yellow is happy)
(Ok. Yay, I did what I was supposed to. :D)
(K. Never seen orange. Kowalski, memorize!)
[*] does so*
oh I know what could e funny *breaths a bunch of bubbles*
out a)
*hugs zel*
! *blushes abit* aww thanks
Remember, don't try too hard, focus, yes, but be relaxed as well, otherwise you could put too much into it, causing the same reaction as before.
that's me violet *he giggles

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23