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mia:??? *reads it*
*radios exe* hey exe any signs of the corruption???/exe elizabeth:nope *responded*/alright
mia:yea agree
I'll be back. I'm going to look around and see if they are still around.
mia:im'a check if team exe encountered that person
*stands on the rooftop of the palace*
*goes to an empty room*
*locks the door*
*walks*/mia:brb violet *tps to exe house and saw solders*/mia:??? what the umm
sorry , i got confused
AH!! *been yeet to the inn*ow/mia:!?!?! *helps nightly up*/thx
its fine as long as you didnt hurt anyone
this place is safe to begin
put your mask on i will not be lending you my powers for your training session
mia:mhm also what's up the solders is there a war i did not know?????/nightly:ask flower or the solders ether one of them well give you info *repairs the inn*/nightly:speak of a which what's up you came to our location/mia:oh i was wondering if you guys encountered a person with a gun i think they looking for a soul/nightly:oh no if we did we could of glitch away/mia:oh true okay just asking/nightly:ah alright
*begins the training session with july*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23