Alex... If you don't knock this off... I will punish you... *his cloak turns black, red, and gold*
*puts on the mask and her eyes turn golden*
*grabs a bag and gets all of fieras parts in it after tping to her*
and don't make us get mia... trust me mia well not be pleased to hear that comment... and why should we alex something gonna happened
Hehe i wonder if del heard the explosion?
*in the light distance* You got this Viol!
Alex... It doesn't matter if you aren't like a god. You have no idea how much strain that puts on us...
*throws it away and then absorbs her soul and tps back*
solder#2:yea/yea and if you wanna see if what team exe about to deal with in 3 days be my guest
Oh I dont care I own a piece of clothing that sides as a God killer so I mean not really that concerned that I'm not God like
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23