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Hey at least I don't write em down. I know they're TEARrible!
*You lucky BASStad*
*puts a lot of magic on his hand and focuses and smacks jack on the forehead and nexus can feel it to where ever they are*did it work?..
And since we're talking plants... *grins* Maybe I should take the tree pins out of the TRUNK and BRANCH OUT! Or should I LEAD them alone for now?
*you need to SPICE up you puns a little more Jack*
*cause i can put a JACKhammer to them there so bad.... *laughs*
my god..
Well, I got a BUSHel more!
*well i'm about to make a pun ur gonna hate Jack*
*frowns* zel can you help me dosomething
*cause i gotta say your hair is lookin FISHY *laughs and a fish that would stink would be on Jacks hair*
*nods and tps on to nexus and lights on fire* REEEEEEE
*shoots fire on to jack
Your Welcome For The Fish *exits jacks mind*
*lights nexus on fire* REEE
*grabs the fish and his hand lights on fire*
*the fish would still be stinky*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23