(As in, anyone wanna get into a fight, maybe with my newest OC? I wanna bring out a new move, and show what he can do)do
*Pulls out another bar and takes a bite*
*black magic covers the room again and when the lights up again nexuses chocolate is gone
Pfft... don't try to piss him off, just eat it. (No. Kokatsu)
*teleports to the grou d and runs around the corner and after 20 seconds gets thrown hard at jack crying
. . . Just... Be careful Zel. (Ok, nvm. Cya Morgan)
I don't want you getting hurt if he has lost it... He's... Not good at fighting it off...
*sighs and puts him in a pocket* Welp... Let's go pay 'im a visit.
*he's defiantly gone insane hes covers in chocolate abit and mummbling to him self with crazy eyes
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