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He keeps projecting this nightmare into my mind of him killing everyone Except me.......
So yeah he's messing with my mind again
Mia:if my sister was her she could help you with that she can block the nightmare for you befor she died she was the keeper of dreams and the fire god
i gotta go cya around *walks off*
Mia:cya? Ok sweety what do you want to do for training today?
no clue
you decide
Mia:how about i show you how to use your wepon to fly around?
*walks back into the area*
Mia:first lets tech you how to fly your wepon*gets her scythe and it flys around her and flots right in front ober violet *here get on
*does so*
*walks into the cave and lays on his bed and sighs*
Mia:ok im going to fly you around a bit but at a point i will take my ,agic from it and you will start to fal you habe to put your own magic in it and control it by yourself but if you get to close to the ground i will catch you ok? /*all her stuff is gone but she made food*
Magic *fall*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23