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*falls asleep*
Wow nexus falls asleep after he saw eve left with all her stuff)
*does so but fails horribly*
(well Nexus is tired and is to Lazy to go anywhere rn so)
Mia:*catches her*its ok just keep trying
*do it again and fails harder than last time*
Mia:*catches her*
i cant
Mia:its ok you almost had it that time
no i didnt
*wakes up*
Mia:maybe its bc you jabent smiled all day hehe*kisses her all her face*
Haven't *
*thinks about the nightmare*
*grins and puts on her mask , her eyes turn golden* ok lets try it again
Mia:all right *her scythe flys by them and stops in front of violet *

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23