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Forums » Roleplay » u.c rp

Well then they are the most stupid people I have ever heard of. It depends entirely on the type of guy, and how careful you are. Me for instance. I'm a guy. But I wouldn't even consider that. People who do that deserve a date worse than death, or being put in jail. Rape isn't just physical. It damaged the victim mentally as well.
(*pull out to snipers* time for them to pay!)
Meet The Sniper
oh not only that
there's more
there's wayyy more
Oh boy. Let's hear more of their stupidity. This is fun.
you see even now they are controlling my page
and closingit
I open it again
(okay *pull out the flame thrower* =) SAY HELLO TO MY LIL FRIEND!! YIPPIE KI YAY MOTHER FUCKER) =)
but like bruh
also role-play is forbidden in this house
but I do it anyways
Wow. Just wow. I think they need a trip to a mental institution.
........... till your 18 move get a job and move out)
there's more
they also control my phone !
Echo I fell ur pain with jr parents)
That kind of shot is not their call to make. You are YOU. NOT THEM. YOU HAVE YOUR OWN RIGHTS, AND YOUR OWN INDIVIDUALITY.

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23