*Walks to Snowdin, then knocks on Del's door*
*Walks into the home* "Nice place. Now show me how good you've gotten." *Throws a punch at Del*
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 3.
Note: If they BOTH are above 4, Del catches Blade's fist.
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 1.
Note: If either of them is below 4, Del gets hit.
*Drops to the ground, his nose now bleeding* "What the heck?!?!"
"Let's just say...I saw you get your a** kicked by Flower."
*Nods* "Now fight BACK!" *Kicks in chest*
rolled 1d12 and got a natural 1.
Note: Del is more awake, so 4-8 = dodge, 9-12 = Vanish, and below 4=Getting sent flying through his door to Grillby's
*sighs* HEY EXE ANY LUCK!?!?!/exe:YEA BUT U MIGHT WANNA SEE THIS!/oh shit cmon thunder *thunder and flower heads in*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23