*tp to eve and mia and using magic to grab them* CAN YOU 2 FUCKING COOL IT -_-
huh well I'll stay here for now *makes a little hut in the mountains overlooking Jack's kingdom*
*they both growl at each other and there hair lights on fire*
body feels weird...magic waves scary...zel means they scare zel not magic waves...what are those...
okay fuck this i ain't gonna like this *remove the jacket and nest chains of crystals and chains of light can be shown grabbing mia and eve*
*goes into shadow form and yeets jack out of it then ties him in chains* YOU TOO!
sorry zel im trying to stop the fire consuming my familiy
*they both tp to the moon and no one can get there and they fight*
Well... Other than this. *water appears out of nowhere and douses Mia and Eve. "Cool" it.
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23