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😐 Really?

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zel was made to be a kind and trusted person xD no wonder people think he loves you xD
he knows just what to say at any time xD
Mia:what? She did the same thing to me and you/oof!*turns pink and gets off him*
*sigh* im going
Actually, it wasn't.
when people hate them self or say bad things about them self zel will hear you and comfort you xD
That was Del's girlfriend that did that. And she did it to her too.
*laughs* where was he in the morning
zels made to bring joy and happiness...I never want him to be mad or sad like's heart breaking when he is sad and he rarely is ever made cause he hides it...
and zels still asleep in the mornings he can be lazy .-.
*walks out the door and teleports*
*is just stareing at the water sad
Mia:you mean ashly?....s
*walks past zel and is now next her parents* hello!
Yep. She did it to both of you but... Check your phone.
!!! Hey Vi. What's up?
*wakes up and yawns* .......
*crys a lot frowning and mummbles she's ignoring me again...*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23