besides yesterday i just learned about this cool roleplayer on YouTube who makes the same charicter type i do crazy ones

and omg he does a amazing job at it but he's he's minecraft roleplayer but it's actally really well done..
right now the current role play there doing is this zombie one and he's playing as the depressed doctor xD
who's like the plague doctor omost...allways wears a mask and he likes this chick who's mental she says so many weird things and the fans just adore her and doc together xD
it's like a new ship i never seen beffore your putting a girl who needs the docs special medicine to be normal ad when she's normal she's such a dick with a guy who lost his sister to the zombies and when you mention her the wrong way doc might shoot you xD
I just wonder how if this charicter lives through this whole roleplay...but knowing z nation logic and other zombie movies...the doctor never lives sometimes..
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