*she strikes him first just as he strarts to come up*
*blocks with one sword and slashes low with the other*
*she kicks that sword out of his hand(metal plated boots then she kicks him in the gut again*
*grabs her boot* Checkmate. *tps high into the air, and lets go* STRATOSPHERE STRIKE!! *Slashes her to the ground and a tremendous speed*
*she hits the ground hard but lands on her feet*
*slashes the bullets in half and blasts a bolt of lightning at her*
*she blocks it with her sword and the attack reflects back into jack*
*tps above her and plummets down, black energy surrounding him* DECENDING DARK!
*hits the ground in front of her and explodes*
*shadow forms behind him and kicks him down , then strikes him with her sword*
(...I don't know why you are fighting, but I just came to let you guys know I won't be on until...at least Monday..)
(That's what I thought) (...I might get lucky and be on Sunday, but I doubt it.)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23