*tps to del and takes the hot chocolate fast and dumps it on del fast and runs* yoloooooo
"GET BACK HERE BATES!!!!!!!!!!!" *True Soul Mode* "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR A**!!!" *Runs out of Grillby's*
Heh... You know what Del? I kinda wonder if you could go through something I did a long time ago... Wha? Oh yeah. Honestly? I'll be impressed if he tries to " challenge " you again.
(Just pretend I said that here...I forgot to change now. )
*bates uses magic to make more of him apper and they shuffle while running and run in diffrent dire tions giving off the same magic energy
.. *appears called the team exe and exe and they came*
*Appears in front of the real Bates, picking him up by his neck* "You're right...you DO only live once." *Pulls back a fist*
they ready to begin there plan?/flower:mhm
*Dumps hot chocolate onto Bates and drops him* *Default dances*
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