I say you can i just need to see if its okay with Dr. gaster
*draws her gun and shoots rabia aiming for the face*
i was sposto grow up in my au nicely but disaster happend and I lived in a void...with a bunch of dogs and picked on every day in that void...
*a thin Lauer of magic blocked the shots
kid talking to people is a job of mine...
Mia:*she keeps crying and keeps huging still thinking its her falt*
why not go help mia and Jack then....bates got it im good to help you...and beffore you say you don't need help....that's a lie...
and not try teleporting away there's a barrior around this place..
Mia. If you don't stop, I'll just go sleep in the Abyss tonight until you listen. It's not your fault.
*suddenly has the prax imperium in her hands*
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