I'm a very special girl people say I do many things I'm a expert at math...a damn great artist...a wizard with Photoshop in my tech class and when I hear any rock music or remixes i tap to the beat
roblox has so many obeys that I make it past so many people and they get so confused when I do wondering how i did that..
I have 91 and it not just me theres 4 ppl working on it we make actually good music and we have gone for longer dan a year
anyways...you guys want to make a new chat in are group and want to do a zom i.e. rp?
but if we're gonna do this rp there needs to be a few rules cause itneeds to be sorta simple but hard too..I'll make the rules for when I explan it tommarow
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23