No....)*starts screaming and crying in her sleep bc of pain *
(because no gravity is the only situation where splitting the moon or core does something)
(No, like how Mia is a moon goddess. They are attuned to them.)
*sneaks past barriers to side of castle and hums qsgores theme to open staitwell
(even if the core or moon split gravity would force the two halfs together)
well the hell is nothing to the earth
idk but oh shit *sits due to the sweat from april fight* no we need eve since ash says eve and mia can prevent this so nexus house *gets up*
(Dude, no it wouldnt. The core would set off a chain reaction and plot the entire planet, and the moon would be floating in multiple pieces.)
*vanishes and appears in the lab in Hotland* G we need your help and Eve is at my place
(i just looked it up to be sure and im right)
the earths core is breaking in two and didn't you tell me you can fix it?
(just about the core tho im wrong about the moon)
*you guys dont have that much time*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23