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((Well kinda, i just used the zombie rp as an excuse to get my lazy ass to make a profile for my zombie character

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(and btw people sansational is no longer a mod in uc)
he doesn't have a name but he's a plague docter with a mask
((I know, i witnessed his last messages, i have mixed feelings about it
and no one can see his face i guess
(._____. speak of a zombie rp is rv even here?)
((Don't all plague doctors have those weird crow masks?
i think she <
(idk. and now ik not to trust that oc cause we all know how the story ends with the plague doctors)
((That reminds me, i actually have a plague doctor oc, he started as a villain but now he just annoys my monster hunter oc
(... thx for the reminder)
((Luckily i don't have him on this site
(... oh ok)
((And i don't plan to, he'd be a waste of a character slot-
(yea smart )
i think the virus got me cause i ain't feeling to well.....

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23