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Oh. Ok. Hey, is Pap there? I contacted a mod to fix the account problem.

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Hi Morgan.
I still can't get over what i told You and Flower XD
(Jack I'm the one who's talking to you right now....😑😓
... 😆 Its a good thing Pap didn't see.
Oh... Welp... This is awkward...
Well. Pap, did you verify the email on your account?
should i tell her
Of you want. You will either die, or she will die laughing.
(.... tell her see what happen *summions a rubber chicken chest*)
(i go yo back morgan)
ok i'ma tell her
Are u still on Paps
If So this is gonna be u and Jack one Day XD
I think she isnt on *sighs with releaf*
phew we dodge the bullet

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23