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*a black and silver sword appears in his hand, his eyes dripping black*

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*noticed it* UHHH THAT IS NOT NORMAL! and okay *looked worried*
*takes the flower and puts it in his poket*
*Mind: ...stay calm...stay calm...* "It sure is..." *His eyes look normal now and he has stopped with the freezing/burning random things around him since he found the paintbrush*
hehehehehehe *glitches ready to kill the shadow monsters with the black ruby sword as flower and team exe*
Throws a orb down That glows white
*started to walk to the location*
*grabs the orb*
*same thing hapoens but with eve*NO STAY BACK NEXUS HELP!*then it ends*
*Del is the only one other than Violet who is calm RN. :P*
It surges power through flower
??? what the we gotta hurry *holds the orb*
*Mind:Great. with that sort of motivation ill definently be overshadowed once again*
*starts to cry a lot after seeing that*
(Yeah. Jack has completely lost his shit and is just full murder mode)
*has thoughts of murder and is corrupting* !!! *mind:nononononononono I CAN"T CORRUPT NOW!!!* *trying to breath and started walking*
"So, Violet...d-do you mind if I call you that?" *Del has never really just talked to Violet*
Im about to end this jacks hates whole career

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23