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*wakes up and sighs*I better find jack before he does something stupid. ..

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Mia:*sees him*is he crasy?! I swereally if he's drunk....but if he is then his going to fall..,shit..*gets her scythe*
Mia:*tps to jack and Flys by him*let me guess your ass is drunk?
Mia:your drunk...fuck ok hop on.,.
Mia:*the moon turns pink *YOU KNOW WHAT GO AHEAD FALL FOR ALL I CARE!*Flys off*
Mia:you are so dumb sometimes.....was mad bc I felt violated I was half naked in front of our friends you know....if I was kings daughter. .I would be dead right now bc of what happened. ..
Mia:*crysnand smiles*it was a bad idea to come here after all...I guess is it to go back..*tps somewhere and no onexception can find her or knows where she is and everyone forgets about her like they ever met her*
*gets out a stage and a podium
rv. what the hell you doing
need to tell you all about my new roleplay chat idea..
oh we know rv
because ultra decided to invite us
We have all seen it RV.
but is it not a good idea..
well kinda if you set the rules to 2 guns only)
*states at the 49 comments in the zombie rp chat that went there beffore
I was being realistic..

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23