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Yeah idk it just randomly was like "the room is unavailable
COSMO *hug*
Hi echo uwu *hugs back*
Is that what you're gonna be calling me from now on? XD
I couldnt even see where they where hitting me frooooom
Also since cosmo is here imma do a break :3
Okay that's fine, i don't have to flex on my own in that case
You can flex for me by talking about my epic status
Also I killed that dude that killed you so be proud :3
It's a new weapon. It's a fucking CLUSTER BOMB!
Also cosmo you wanna rp? xD
Yeah I've seen it but I didnt realize it was that OP
Sure, but i might have to leave in a few minutes though
Awww okay then
I'll probably be on a lot today so I might see you later. But until then to the rp!:3

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23