uhh sorry for inturrptions but i got a friend who needed help *is carrying jack* and someone injected fear and hate and i wanna know if you can help him
*sighs* i don't have time for this *vanishes and appears in the error void*
put him on the hospital chair over there and i'll deal with him here in a sec
*Opens the door and walks in* "Hey...sorry about that."
alright *walks to the hospital chair and place jack in the chair*
*Mind: Please tell me she didn't hear any of that...* "So...what do you wanna do?"
*stops doing his research and looks at Jacks soul* Fear and Hate was injected into him...idk how to get them both out yet......but i'll certainly try
maul friend of his injected hate and fear into jack soul *to corrupted* and alright *to gaster*
Mia:grrrr*her eyes bleed hate and her hair lights on fire*
*creates a new type of Vial witch is blue and purple* this should do it *puts the new liquid into the vial and injects Jacks soul with the needle*
I have somewhere i need to show you *gets up*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23