So are you wanna continue the rp or are you busy with dylan?
After a few minutes killure comes up behind serene and picks up bridal style without warning, he then starts carrying her to the bedroom. He's in a position where his face isn't visiblr but he's modt likely smirking right now.
"Hey what are you doing?" I mean yeah she knows he said she was getting more than a kiss but she didnt really believed him. "Killi?" She had this kind of a worried tone although deep inside she liked it
Killure gently sits her down on the bed and then sits down next to her "for the last 15 minutes i've been trying to figure out hoe to say this, um, we need to talk" uh oh, those 4 words are never good news
*he rubbed his hands together and dissapeared*
((Dylan no- this is like the emily and owen situation all over again-
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23