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*the gate keeper go's to Mia and licks her and mia talks to the bear*

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Mia:I told her I'm not in danger and you all just want to help me she says she will show you the way through the gates and she will help me see
*the bear bear hugs jack and kicks him changing his hair style*mia:hehe she likes you jack
Mia:*rips her jacket and puts the pieces of it on her eyes like badges *heh mhm
Back from no say cause my mom inpl
Unplugged the internet
Mia:jack...I don't have eyes....
Mia:that's why I said the bear will help me see
You know we should throw Nexus a funeral cuz he died
We will don't worry
Mia:it's fine
Ya-ya:my names ya-ya and plz hop in I'll Cary you guys
Gtg bye
I just found an undertale genocide knock knock joke. Anyone wanna hear it?
Ya-ya:before you ask Mia did this she gave me some of her magic so I could talk to you jack
Don't do Nexuses funeral without me cuz he is my character

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23