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Hi. Sry, I woke up about ten minutes ago😅
Its ok
So what's up? I see you have p much taken over sans's account.
nothing mich you and hes been playing on my phone so this account is half mine for now
Much *
Pfft. Well, if u want ur old account back, I can help. I talked to a mod the other day about it and he gave me some advice. Mods here are awesome.
Is everyone chillin in the other rp?
Want to rp?
So we continuing from where we left off? Hi Morgan.
also last night i said that there can be a way to revive Nexus you just have to travel threw 6 timelines and find 6 rare plants to make into a potion cause i can't just make Nexus the only one to Kill Maul and Nexus is Dead soooooooo
Ya and mor
Hi mor*
K. On both fronts.
Maul would practictically be un killable
Yeah. Either bringing Nexus back, or there being a weapon that could destroy him.
Nexus is the better option.

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23