it's beautiful...everytime...
fun fact i was raised there...
"...heh." *He sits down, somehow blushing even more* "...s-sorry...I didn't think this far ahead..." *He says sheepishly*
(no you didnt , you almost did twice but never got to it) What the absolute f*ck! no wonder no one noticed me missing
did you look in to this portal...
(Oh. I was supposed to have then. But meh.)
yeah its nice but im so pissed off right now
want to calm down in this void...
"...s-so...I-i hope you like what I brought..." *The basket is somehow filled with every food known to freaking exist* "I-i just made a little bit of everything..."
Vi... I tried to, but every time, someone decided it would be a good idea to attack us, and I forgot... I'm sorry...
no she basically ruined my relations with everyone! i can barely speak to zel now!
wait i got a idea hey deep come here...
* a tobyappers next to rabia with Derpy eyes
*he writes on the ground 2รท3=potato
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23