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and you can't just Find them in an instant you have to travel threw the whole Au and get them from the gersons of the timelines for 99,999g
Fun with being a king, and teleportation.
but just cause thats a lot of money i'll make it 59,889g
and no you won't be able to teleport to the gersons you have to travel
Tp most of the way then. Anyways, Pap? Waiting on you.
Ya-ya:*starts walking again *
No only travel not tp most of the Way :/
Dude, without a shortcut to Waterfall it would take FUCKING AGES to get a single ONE. We should be able to just tp to Waterfall, and start from there.
Going through every single fight and dialogue would take fucking months.
Ya-ya:bc the other guardians are not here mia has to open the other 4 gateways
Okay Fine also you might encounter Maul and Error on the trip
Ya-ya:im sorry but we dont have a choice...she has to do it
Mia:i-its fine i can do it
Mia:jack who that?
Mia:oh infinity is that you?
Mia:infinity...i cant see you i have no eyes and i cant help that much...
Ya-ya:*stops in front of a wall of water*ok mia your up...
Mia:i will *gets off ya-ya and walks to the wall*
Mia:*holds her breath and gos in the wall*

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