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*slashes him, then vanishes instantly*
*gets hit* *-10,000* (hp 90,000/100,000)
*slashes a circle around himself and a burst of light would turn everything back to normal and makes every thing that is vanished reappear instantly*
*sends a blade shot at Jack from every angle*
Welcome to my world now. What should happen now...! Oh... I know what will tip you over the edge... Let's see how you handle... *Eve appears, on the ground, covered in cuts, Maul looming over her, prepared to strike*
*Maul looks at Nexus and grins, then turns back to Eve and kills her, laughing*
*you would see Nexus start to cry a little bit* (THATS FUCKED UP JACK)
(hold on brb chrome book is being a bitch rn)
(Hey, I know, but Jack is genuinely SCARED of Nexus at this point. He EFFORTLESSLY wiped the floor with him in his last match. So he's pulling a Bete. Showing him things to break him, destroy his determination and will to fight.)
*Jack would see a black and red aura surround him*
(He CAN'T afford to lose. After both Del and Nexus mopping the floor with him, it actually broke HIM a bit. This is his chance to redeem himself.)
(To show that he is strong enough to protect what matters to him)
(maybe you should check him)
That's it... Let your rage consume you... That's exactly what I want... That way, you will be reckless. And I won't have any trouble proving I'm not some weak pushover anymore.
*checks him*
*Nexus attack ??? hp ???? Df ???? info: it seems you've made him more determined to seek revenge and to severely hurt you and isn't reckless anymore*
What? Damn it... Alright then... Time to be more severe... *appears behind him and slashes*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23