I'LL FIND OUT MYSELF!! *jumps up and slashes down at him*
*a sword would strike Jack from the side quicker then he can react and Nexus would dodge the slash* ......
!!! *lands on his feet and pulls it free*
*summons a few blasters and starts firing them at him repeatedly*
*blocks all the blasts and strikes Jack with a punch strait to the gut quicker then he can react witch sends him flying*
!!! *slams into the wall, dropping to his hands and knees*
*a black aura would surround Nexus as he approaches Jack slowly*
*gets to his feet, and summons another sword* . . .
*this theme starts to play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVO5nJRzbMw)
*dashes at Jack and kicks Jack back up against the wall quicker then he can react*
Ngh... Don't make me... Do something I might regret... Pal...
*grabs Jack by the neck and disables all his powers and ability's and starts to choke him*
*it seems Nexus has lost control and is consumed by Hate*
!!! . . . *internally* Alright... You win... I'm up against the wall. Hit me with all you've got...
*throws Jack across the whole arena witch sends him flying into another wall*
( https://m.soundcloud.com/user-359951255/undertale-megalovania-totally-rad-version-nirre starts playing) *gets up, his eye blazing*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23