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I could recommend you one for real cheap, just 10G.
2 demon years! *she smiles*
and how long is 2 demon years?
(once i hear that i was went fast "WHHHHHYYY" XD) (i mean who knows what if i wanna hire a dylan)/exe elizabeth:i mean it get the job done sooo i highly suggest hire one/well i need 1 arm left then a head sooooo
Honestly you can hire dylans for anything. Delivery, Defense, Offense, Utility, Construction...
10 human years but...technically ...
ehhh alright fuck it *pays 10g* any ways i gotta get it done anyways i been up for 8 days due to testing it's abilities so i don't like go way over bored and spawn shit loads of chains
Technically I'm not full demon so....
About 5 years
((Lads i told you to tell me when echo got back-
So, Flower, what kinda dylan do you want to hire?
(XD well I'm back for you cosmo *hug
Construction dylan
((*hugs back* UwU
So what do ya wanna do Echo? cause i'm bored......

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23